Beekeeping Supplies

Contact us for availability of Woodenware and current prices.
Prices shown are estimated based on lumber prices at the time of this listing.

10 Frame Deep Hive body - $30.00
10 Frame Deep Hive body (painted) - $40.00
Hive bodies are assembled with dovetail joints glued with Titebond III.
Add 3 divider grooves to turn into 3 - 3 Frame Mating Nucs for $5.00 extra.
Add dividers at $3.00 each

10 Frame Migratory cover - $20.00
10 Frame Migratory cover (painted) - $30.00
Migratory tops have an optional .50" shim around the inside of the top to allow for feeding pollen patties or sugar bricks. This gives the bees extra space so that they don't get squashed when feeding. Add $4.00 Extra for Shim per lid.
If painted, Inside of cover is not painted.

10 Frame Solid Bottom with Entrance Reducer - $23.00
10 Frame Solid Bottom with Entrance Reducer (painted - w/unpainted underside) - $33.00
Bottom board is made with 3/4" space for the entrance. 
If painted, the underside is unpainted. Add additional $7.00 to paint the underside of the bottom.
Entrance reducer is unpainted.